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Troutline Realistic 30 pcs 6mm 3D Epoxy Eyes



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Product Description:
Our range of realistic 3D Epoxy eyes are made with high attention to details to be able to provide a high realistic look to all streamers. They have a special type of adhesive and is very easy to apply them on different materials like synthetic fibers, natural hair or dubbing. Troutline Realistic 3D Epoxy Eyes in sizes of 4 mm diameter are used especially for small flies dedicated to predators from perch or trout to saltwater fish.

Technical Details:

high quality realistic eyes
special strong glue formula will stick the eyes very easy on streamers
don't need an extra super glue to fix the eyes on streamers
increase the visibility in water
gives an extra sexy look to streamers
create a better trigger point for predators compared with classic adhesive eyes

Item ID:

Produced by: Wikinggruppen

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