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Troutline UV Ice Dubbing

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Product Description:
Troutline UV Pearl Dubbing is our newest dubbing with a very fine texture, with a UV pearly effect, easy to dubb and to be used. A pinch of this dubbing in your main dubbing will transform it in a new an interesting material. Can be used pure for making bodies or hot spots for nymphs, small baby fish or even to imitate the eggs from a sedge or adult stone fly.

Technical Details:

pearly UV material
fine and soft, easy to dubb
use just a few fibers to make more attractive your nymphs, emergers or even dry flies
can be mixed with natural or synthetic dubbing
can be used even for nymphs tied on size #24hooks!
each color has different shades and sparkles from different angles

Item ID:

See also

Produced by: Wikinggruppen

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