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Floatant Chenille Micro

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Product Description:
Floatant Chenille in pieces of 2 meters, thickness of 1mm.
Comes in a pack of five stunning colours.
Chenille is mainly used as an extended body on your flies, but only your imagination sets limits!
You can use a lighter and "dab" on the end of the Floatant Chenille to get a nice tapered finish.
The material is translated directly from the English name of the product "Floatant Chenille" - like many other materials, it is not only 1 component on a dry fly that makes it floating. You can not just use this material on a hook and think it will float, just as if you were just using dry fly dubbing on a hook. We recommend impregnating the Floatant Chenille and tying it together with hair material or other highly floating material.
A fantastic fly tying material that lies easily on the surface or in the surface film and creates a very realistic impression that the trout prefers!
Can be used with advantage as both body on nymph, emerger or winged mayfly & caddis.
Dark Chocolate
Light Gray Olive
Light Yellow

Item ID:

Produced by: Wikinggruppen

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