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Troutline Hand Selected Peacock Herl

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Product Description:
Everybody knows how popular is the peacock herl. You will find it an all fly tying shops because is used at so many patterns. But the problem is the quality of the herls you find , almost anything you find is loose herl from old feathers.. That means twisted, not so shinny and less durable stems

For this reason we decided to cut by hand with fine scissors only the nicest herls directly from feathers stems. Imagine how much work is needed but only in this way we are able to have the finest herl you can find.

For making one bag of Troutline Hand Selected Peacock Herl we spend minimum 15min in selecting feathers and cutting with a fine sharp scissor each herl
One bag contain aprox 160 herls!
nice and straight
not pinched and not twisted
is perfect for terrestrial flies, dry flies, wet flies and streamers
can be used like it is or in dubbing robe or twisted on tying thread

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Produced by: Wikinggruppen

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